New Haircut, Who Dis

I have never cut my hair any length that wouldn’t be classified as “long” (Except for that one time when I was like, 4, and tried to do it myself, I suppose). I’ve been tempted to in the past, but it was usually only strongly considered when my life was in moments of stress or chaos when it wasn’t so much about a haircut as it was about me finding something to take charge of in my life. Realizing this, I’ve always avoided actually taking scissors to it.

So when the desire came up again this month, I carefully prodded it to make sure it was what I actually wanted. I was kinda surprised to find I couldn’t detect any need-to-do-SOMETHING strings attached to it (given the fact I’m currently navigating plenty of stress right now). So I went ahead and did it.

And I love it. It’s so bouncy. And it doesn’t take ages to dry. And it’s just something different and fun.

I’m not sure I won’t go back to letting it grow long soon. I can’t exactly pull it out of my way well – can just get it into a wonky ponytail that doesn’t exactly look professional, and a bun is now out of the question – but I have been very happy to have (finally) tried something new with it.