
Two months ago, as I was sitting writing up the next Italy blog post, we got the text that Alex’s sister and her husband had been in an accident. The shock and horror that hit the family that night, and continued to hit as we spent time in the hospital, and continued to hit as we sat through the double funeral, has been absolutely scarring.

It has been just now that life has returned to some routine and constancy for the family, though sorting out legal things and personal things and all the things still happens constantly. Prayers are appreciated as the family makes their way through the first year milestones and holidays; prayers are appreciated as lives are rebuilt around the holes of missing loved ones. Prayers that I can be a good support person for my husband, for his family, and all those who are in need of it.

If I’ve learned anything it’s that losing someone is not made easier by experience. There are a million different struggles that came with this compared to losing Mom, and both were hard and traumatic and didn’t make the other easier.

But I don’t want to process it all here – goodness knows this blog has enough grief scattered throughout it.

We rest in the hope that those that were lost had hope in Christ, and that death is not the end.

1 Corinthians 15:54: When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”