Summer Travels Part 1: Friends

This Summer saw us back in Montana for a much needed visit to the state with weather that let us experience so much of the natural beauty and adventure in it (shoutout to my brother-in-law Tim for having the idea for a family cabin outing).

Stage one of the trip was quality time with friends in Bozeman in Billings. Hiking with Kathy and Lisa was a great way to catch up and (of course) take a random photoshoot. That stunning backdrop helps all the photos. We are not sure what trail we ultimately took, but it was on a lake and in the mountains and with good company, so I don’t know that it really matters.

Bozeman has so much good food. Brunch at Jam! is pretty mandatory for a visit. We also did dinner at Ted’s Montana Grill (Bison meatloaf sandwich is so good! As well as Kayla joining our company!) drinks at Plonk (I keep dreaming of that basil ginger martini, one of the best drinks I’ve had in forever) and for fun a selection of La Châtelaine Chocolat Co. truffles that were such fun to taste test. Trivia didn’t pan out, but honestly just hanging with these girls and catching up with people who matter so much to me and I get to see so rarely was what really mattered to me.

We then headed to Billings, and you know we grabbed some more friends and did an Escape Room. The Grand Escape Room really did great at their jungle theme room, really upping the atmosphere on this one. Fun puzzles and fun laughs, and cocktails at Doc Harpers to celebrate the win afterwards. And then giant pretzels across the street at Montana Brewing Co. because there was no reason not to.

I got one more day afterwards to catch some friends for coffee or lunch, and as always it was over too soon. These women mean home to me in so many ways, and I’m extremely blessed to be able to see them this summer.

A Hike, a Wedding, and Being Back with Family and Friends

This is a very overdue post, but since I still have a few photos to share and some memories to jot down, here’s a quick run down on Alex and my 4th of July trip back home.

A return trip to Montana is always good for my soul. I tried this time to not be too crazy about scheduling every hour of every day, but did have some big plans to make sure each day had quality friend and family in it. Of course, life intervened to mess around with plans anyway. I guess that’s just how it goes. Here’s to being flexible and having fun anyways.

We flew in Sunday (Because for some reason ticket prices were insane on Saturday). I had a lovely dinner with girlfriends, falling back into those old friendships seamlessly. It was so amazing to be sitting among them again, talking about life, laughing, enjoying a drink, and just having friends again. I’ve missed them all so much. We tried having a bonfire later, but the rain picked up and we sheltered inside instead.

The next day Alex and I hung out with Dad and Christian. We did some shopping around town, we went to ZooMontana and wandered around the beautiful grounds there. We met my Aunt for lunch and got a short chance to catch up with her. Christian took us to the local volunteer fire department, where he showed us all the places he hides his snacks. Then he got Alex and I doing some of the exercises he does to stay in shape for firefighting. No surprise, I don’t cut it as a firefighter.

Tuesday we finally got out into the mountains! Christian, Alex, and I headed out to Mystic Lake. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful place. Except for the twenty minutes at the top, where it rained and the wind blew such that we couldn’t see anything and it was cold and we felt the need to turn around. But technically we made it! (It is apparently Alex’s curse to always have bad weather near the views on a hike. We’ll have to break that at some point)

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We caught up with Schaners that night, having some lemonade and dessert out on their patio. And then we ran into Jenna at the grocery store! Such luck!

Wednesday we kidnapped Liza and did lunch at Stacks (AMAZING burgers). And ran into Jenna having lunch there! Such luck!

We had a hotel for the next few nights, so we checked into that, and then I got ready and went to party late into the night for Kayla’s bachelorette party. We went to the Rims Martini Bar (I had a Mango Habanero  Martini. I loved it, but it did have a kick!) We played some games, and then went over to someone’s house to eat snacks and drink more and stay up way too late talking. The only picture I managed to snap was of a picture of (slightly tipsy) me and a snuggly cat. I think I finally made it back to the hotel around 2:30ish, reluctant to leave but needing sleep. But it turns out my key card didn’t work, and the hotel didn’t have a 24 hour lobby. So I had to call and wake poor Alex up to come down and let me in. Poor guy.

Just look how amazing these waffles look ❤

Thursday I slept in, obviously. We met Alex’s sister and her husband for brunch at The Sassy Biscuit, which just might be the best breakfast restaurant I’ve ever been to in my life; a must visit any time I’m in town. It was a wonderful visit and we cherished our time with them. (We’re lucky they also have connections in both Montana and Texas and see them more often than many in his family)

We finished the night be attending rehearsal dinner.

Christian: “Any good photo of me is always of me holding a fish”

Friday I spent the morning hanging out with my sister (Finally a scheduled meeting, after a week of somehow seeing her everywhere). Then we got Alex and Broskovich and took Broskovich out for a birthday lunch of sushi.

And of course it was wedding night! We had a blast dancing the night away at Kayla and Keagan’s wedding, chatting with friends, and just having a jolly good time.


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Saturday was a quiet day with family. Sunday we were supposed to fly home, but alas, I had developed what felt like a head cold! We made the decision to postpone our return home, and I ended up sleeping it off within a couple days and was all good to go home on Wednesday, though unfortunately we felt the need to stay away from people for most of it. We spent the days playing video games; introducing Broski to Civ, playing some old school Mario Kart, and doing some puzzles.

It was rough not getting a final goodbye with everyone, who I had planned to see at Church on Sunday before heading out. It left me feeling… unfulfilled might be the best word for it? I wanted more time with my friends, more time with the people I miss ever so desperately, and I didn’t even get a goodbye. I got several days so close but unable to reach out. It still stings. Lets hope this habit of coming down with something every time I go back doesn’t last, it’s been absolutely frustrating.

Alex said something once along the lines of how I can never have just a relaxing vacation in going back: I’m always trying to soak in every second and get all I can because I have to get enough to tide me over through the long periods of not being there. He meant it in a frustrated way, I think. Not at me, but at how he feels sorry I’ve not found that home in Midland, how he feels guilty for his part in pulling me to Texas, how even going back is tainted a bit with the desperateness I approach it with after being away. I can’t say he’s wrong that there will always be a desperateness to it, how much I miss and long for and NEED so many things there. I do have to get my time in my place with my people when I can get it. And it doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy my life in Texas with him, or regret anything that brought me here. And goodness knows I’m trying to find that community here.  But going to Montana will also make me come back to Texas with a more intense homesickness than usual. As I look over the photos and memories again, it already feels so far away, and my heart breaks at how long it will be until I see the people and places I miss again.

A Christmas Visit

Of course I found time for my beloved escape rooms!

As if I wouldn’t do my beloved escape room while in Montana!

I have posted before some of my nerves of returning to Montana for Christmas. I am happy to say that for the most part, all my worries came to naught. It was such a good thing to return.

Our flights to my beloved state were uneventful, but dang it’s nice to not travel solo. We played Cribbage and Civ and even though we were delayed in the airport for a while, the time went by so much faster than if I had been killing time in the airport all by myself. Broski and Dad picked us up from the airport, and after quickly catching up on the drive out to Joliet, we all crashed and slept for an awfully long time that night.

Then I got to head into town, and see the wonderful Vowell’s, who are nearly a second family to me, and then it was a whirlwind of catching up with Liz over coffee, meeting up with a group of friends for dinner, escaping from a Christmas themed escape room, and a very very late night sipping cocktails and laughing and catching up on life. It all just seemed to fall into place again. These were my people, and though so much had changed and there was so much catching up to do, nothing had changed between us. It was the best Christmas gift I could ever wish to receive, and a balm to my soul. It was 4AM before we finally decided bed might be necessary before church in the morning, and even though the lack of sleep probably played into my eventually succumbing to a nasty head cold, I have no regrets.

Revisiting Rocky Mountain Community Church was also a wonderful thing. The worship and structure and depth of the worship service were a welcome relief to the Russian Roulette of quality Sunday experiences I feel like I play. That evening saw a family dinner in Red Lodge (sadly lacking Jenna and Tim, who were unexpectedly delayed) with good food and family time.

Monday was another good day. We had lunch with Schaners, a family who I have known for almost my whole life, and who I very much look up to and rely on for advice and spiritual guidance in life. Mrs. Schaner, in particular, used to be my Mom’s best friend, and the insights she can give into my Mom are cherished things. We talked about church stuff, mostly. The changes happening in Rocky, the struggle Alex and I have experienced in church shopping, the important things and the lessons learned. I think it was an important conversation for me to be a part of. While our church visiting has not turned up anything of quality as to my home church in Montana, I thought it helped me to accept that and see the whole situation in a better light. We talked of how a church does not have to be perfect, in fact can’t be perfect. We talked of how even if we do solidify membership with a church, it does not mean we are stuck there if situations change. And one of my big takeaways was that I should focus not just on what I am getting out of the church, but how I can help add to a church.

We tried a local Crossfit gym after that. I disliked it immensely. It was a very strength focused gym where I felt lost and severely underpowered compared to everyone else. It did make me appreciate how wonderful my gym in Texas is.

That afternoon was game night! I got to meet Liza’s new boyfriend, and found him quite nice and very fun. We played Code Names, and then some of those games you use with your TV and phones which I don’t remember the name of but which was hysterical.

Tuesday started to show me slowing down. I had a sore throat through the day, that thankfully didn’t get in the way with lunch with Dad at Siam Thai and visiting the Lego store in town, (and my much missed Costco, too!). It did entirely knock me out by that night unfortunately. Alex went with Dad and Rod to the Christmas Eve service, but I stayed home and Christian and I watched TV together, though I was asleep on and off for most of it.

Christmas day itself was a very chill affair. Tim and Jenna finally made it to Montana themselves, and we spent the afternoon working on dinner prep, doing a puzzle, and playing Timeline and The Mind Game. My wonderful husband had found me a load of cold medicines, and I drugged myself into being a semi-participative member of the family.

My major regret of the week is Thursday. I was still out and down with my cold, and the plans I had set with Christian to go Rock Climbing and dancing and maybe catch a movie were just undoable. I felt like of all the people I was trying to catch up with, my time with Broski was what I felt was much too short. We did manage to play some old school Smash Bros on the Nintendo, watch some movies, and talk for a while, but I am still frustrated to this day that all our plans fell through. We’ll have to do them next time I’m in town, but for now I’m still sore that it didn’t work out.

I was just well enough to go to a second, Knights Templar themed escape room on Friday night with Tim, Jenna, Alex, Kathy, Kate, and Christian. It was one of the best rooms I’ve been in, full of cool puzzles and codes and great theming.

Saturday Alex was starting to get my cold. It was probably inevitable, but dang I wish he could have avoided it. We made it to Billings to catch Little Women with Jenna, which ended up being a fantastic movie, and then we went and talked to Jenna for a while. We also found time to grab coffee with my Aunt Starr, and see her for just a quick visit and catch up on her life.

We crashed early, and missed church on Sunday (So much for planning on visiting three times, we made it once. Which I do regret, but at the moment I didn’t even care, I just wanted sleep and to feel better). We did catch lunch with the girls one last time before taking off, which for me was the perfect end to my visit – time with my friends to catch up one last time and say goodbye (Or, more appropriately, “until next time”. I’m already looking forward to returning this Summer, especially now that my nerves about it are gone).

We killed time before our flight left by watching Knives Out with Kathy and Kate (Knives Out being my favorite movie of the year. Alex actually napped in the car for this part, he just wanted to be in bed, poor guy.).

Dad and Broski came and drove us up to the airport, and we all hugged tightly before Alex and I were bound for Texas. And of course our flight was delayed into Midland, and we didn’t get to sleep that night before 2AM. So we both called in sick, slept a ton, and exchanged Christmas gifts between ourselves. It ended up being a good day, even though we were both under the weather and sleep deprived.

One of my biggest worries, if you recall, was the feeling of returning. Of being afraid of a fresh wave of homesickness. It has not been as bad as I feared. I do miss my people freshly, but it helps knowing I still have them all there and that when I return again, nothing will have changed between us. And it’s good to get back into my routine of life and try to focus on settling into Midland, with the renewed energy that my refreshing visit back home gave me. I’m still frustrated over getting a cold for half of it (And still struggling with a sore throat all these days later!) but I guess I’ll just have to accept that and remember to go crazy with vitamin C next visit.

You all have no idea how much you mean and do for me. Miss you all so much already! (Kate not pictured because she’s the sane one who went to bed before 4)

Is Summer Over Already? (An Overview of Previously Undocumented Adventures)

Hello, Autumn. I love Fall. Love love love Fall. It is by far my favorite season. The season of hot cups of tea and cozy sweaters and spices and sweet calm contemplation. It’s crazy to look back on the time that’s passed and everything that’s happened these last few months. I am surprised to say it’s actually been a pretty good Summer. I’ve been up to a lot of random mini adventures throughout, and due to time or whatnot haven’t yet charted them here. As a fair-thee-well to the season I thought I’d share the photos and the fun that I’ve had.​


Tailgating while figuring out what the plan for the evening was. We went dancing.

One of the biggest changes this season being of course that I’ve found a new home and a new roommate. Kathy has proven to be super awesome to live with (As I knew she would). We’ve had such fun. Our first week we had no furniture and sat crossed legged on the floor, using her Christmas tree box as a table. I have a screenshot of a Snapchat with her, Lisa, and myself having a pizza party after a day of unpacking. It’s a special little look into our first week that I really love.

Not long after we moved in, I ended up house sitting  for a good friend for two weeks. (I have a habit of disappearing on new roommates. When I moved in with Elizabeth I immediately got a second part time job and was NEVER home for the next six months). I was thinking two weeks by myself in the house would be quite lonely, but it ended up being quite fun. I had permission to have friends over and to use the hot tub and whatnot. The first weekend I was there Kathy came out and we decided to make sugar cookies, and finding ourselves out of dairy to make icing we substituted Baileys Irish Cream and Rumchata. Best. Icing. Ever. Highly recommend you try it in the future.

Another night she came over and we watched Pitch Perfect, because she found out I hadn’t seen it. Or we tried to. Half way through the movie two GIANT hobo spiders simultaneously flanked us. Kathy is a braver soul than I and trapped them under two whisky glasses. But it’s quite hard to watch a movie while spiders are trying their hardest to get out and eat you. We didn’t want to take care of them right away because if they escaped that’s worse, right? After the movie she carefully trapped them and disposed of them, while I cowered on top of an ottoman. It was quite hysterical, in retrospect. Favorite quote of the night was certainly her saying “I need to see it but I also need it to not eat my face.”

We had been quite tired, but spiders will wake you up quite fast. We wanted to stay up late and watch the meteor shower that was supposed to happen anyway, though, and at 2 we went and laid out on the front walkway and tried to spy some meteors. We saw 2 in an hour. Not sure I couldn’t find two on a regular night. But it was delightfully fun.

There were other nights of friends coming over. Elizabeth and Jenna and Kayla and Lisa… other fun nights were I just got to relax and hang out with some of my favorite people on the planet.

Montana Fair happens every August. I always go with my siblings, enjoy a warm night of delicious bad-for-you food and running into people I don’t often see. Highlight of the night is Christian and I found Chuck Wagon Soda, which was dishing out amazing Ice Cream Floats. We got ours with Sarsaparilla soda, and they were amazing. The soda was all old fashioned style and delicious. And the let us sample every last kind (and by sample, I mean like half a mug). Such a fun family to get to talk to and I will be searching for them again next year.

Another Summer adventure with the Broskovich is that we decided to check out Burn the Point street dance in front of Montana Brewing Company. This entailed watching the end of the car show parade, which had everything from classics to modern sports cars. The concert was okay, the music was good but no one was actually doing much dancing, so we went to Daisy Dukes, a bar that happens to have one of the few actual dance floors in town. I’m happy to say Christian and I are becoming fairly decent Country Swing dancers. Someday I’ll get a video of it for future’s sake. A night out dancing is always a good night.

THERE IS A NEW ESCAPE ROOM IN BILLINGS!!! And I am obviously quite excited. And of course it had to be checked out. Happy to say Billings Escape Room is epic, and a must do adventure for anyone finding themselves in Billings. We did the Prison Break room, and they did a great job at developing the ambiance of the room. There are flickering lights and you can’t see very well and… I don’t want to spoil it for any would-be adventurers, but go check it out! I found it harder than the other escape rooms I’ve done, and was glad to have an experienced team by my side. We escaped! (But we also used like 6 hints… but shhh, no one needs to know). I can’t wait to go back.


Of course THE WEDDING happened this Summer. I’ve already detailed that. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the right words to say for my speech, and was happy for some coffee to get me through. Moav downtown is a… hipster in a good way? Yeah, hipster in a good way coffee shop that serves amazing coffee. I love the modern industrial decor, particularly. It gave me a great spot to try and focus on the speech.

There were also some great food discoveries this Summer. For our last family get together I made brownies. I was thinking I would grab ice cream for them, but stumbled across raw cookie dough to eat. And the idea came to me… oh sweet idea! Frost the brownies with the cookie dough! I added a little milk to the dough to make it spreadable, and they were super rich but super super fantastic. It needs to become a thing. I also tried Pina Coladas for the first time this Summer at a girls night in. I don’t know how I’ve missed it up until this point. I generally am not a huge fan of pineapple, but mmm coconut. And Captain Morgan Loconut rum! All together it is a blissful cocktail. Also, I have been working on trying to replicate the German Doner Kababs. I haven’t made it happen yet, but it’s a delicious pursuit.

I’ve got to spend a lot of time with family and friends. I’m so happy for everyone who’s been there, for all the adventures. For the little moments that have gotten me through what could have been a terrible Summer. Thank you.

One last camera roll share. I’ve kinda been into documenting things recently. I want to be able to remember, when life changes and people move on, the little things that bring me so much joy. The moments that make me who I am, that build relationships, that you maybe don’t remember specifically after a while even though they impact you. Here’s a short little video of the best Dad ever, as we sip morning coffee, and the familiar sounds of him strumming his guitar. He’s a great guitarist, was motivated enough to teach himself, and the sounds of the melodies and the skritch of his fingers moving up the guitar strings always brings me such joy, as they have throughout all my life. Love you, Dad.